Store Hours are Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 7PM. Sunday - 12 PM to 4 PM
The House Of Nutrition is located in the Vassar College area of Poughkeepise, New York. Nestled among restaurants, coffee shops and the college book store, The House Of Nutrition is your one stop shop for supplements, natural and organic dry goods and healthy skin care products.
Call Us (845) 471-7712
House Of Nutrition | 5 College View Avenue Poughkeepsie, New York 12603
Today’s House of Nutrition is progressive in its nature. Known for its large selection of nutritional supplements and great selection of natural skin care products, there's always a nutritionist on staff. We continually educate our sales associates and bring our customers the latest in cutting edge nutraceuticals, utilizing aggressive research and buying practices. In recent years we've brought the store full circle, adding a small natural and organic dry goods grocery. We will impress with selection and price!